Molecular Futures — A VR Day in a Life

An immersive experience lets virtual visitors experience 5 different futures and their intricate worldbuilding
20 Dec 2020
Evonik Foresight
In Collaboration With
Björn Theis — Evonik Foresight
Johannes Mahn — Evonik Foresight
Worldbuilding, Narrative Design, Creative Writing, Design Concepts and Design, Software Development, Visual Design
FEB 2019 — DEC 2019
Red Dot Winner 2020
Cologne, DE

Mol­e­c­u­lar Futures is a VR expe­ri­ence for Evonik’s fore­sight team. Once immersed, head­set on, the vis­i­tor is pro­pelled into a ‘day in a life’ of a future res­i­dent, at home and at work. While dis­cov­er­ing the var­i­ous items that rein­ter­pret famil­iar dai­ly rit­u­als — wash­ing, com­mu­ni­cat­ing, access­ing basic infra­struc­tures — our future trav­eller is giv­en at any time the pos­si­bil­i­ty of swap­ping sce­nar­ios: from 'Decep­tive Calm,' to 'Sus­tain­able Par­a­digm,' or 'Dig­i­tal Champions.'

Evonik’s five future sce­nar­ios play­ful­ly invite us to try on worlds, and see what mas­sive impact the most minute changes may have, direct­ly from within.

Mol­e­c­u­lar Futures was released on the Ocu­lus Store since in Novem­ber 2020.