As time goes, fewer and fewer things in a human's life require the hands of another. We seem to conflate progress with more autonomy, and our autonomy with a mix of automation and taking matters into our own hands. The calligrapher got ousted by the printing press, the home sewing machine killed the seamstress, and the portraitist succumbed to our selfies. The final frontier might be any labor relating to the medical field. And the answer to the mother of all labors (with an extremely intended pun) would be this fictional device seen in N002: the birthmachine. A concept as totally inhuman as it is absolutely liberating.
The ladies of the normal future, and in fact anybody with a capacity for pregnancy, often give birth on their own. Their most common approach is to use a special tub template, equipped with a dexterous automated arm. Once fabricated, the birth machine is a solitary mix of entertainment and parametric pain. Some templates come with games, some with a mini-bar offering ceremonial beverages, some generate music, and some focus solely on pain. This template was apparently intended to focus on breathing (as a form of entertainment, obviously).