A P P A R E L v0.9a

A dynamic piece of clothing that is half digital and half physical
16 Aug 2012

A P P A R E L is a piece of cloth­ing designed to exist both phys­i­cal­ly and dig­i­tal­ly. Its real esthet­ic intent occurs on a 3d over­lay, view­able with a cam­era and our cus­tom-cod­ed appli­ca­tion, allow­ing users to dig­i­tal­ly dress up. As it uses per­son­al data as an input, the piece’s design evolves in real-time togeth­er with its user.

This is a first pro­to­type for an ongo­ing project.

Ver­sion v0.9a
Made with Open­Frame­works
and the help of:
– imagery analy­sis: OpenCV, ofx­Cv,
– 3D mod­el­ing: ofx­As­simp­Mod­el­Loader,
– cam­era set­tings: ofx­U­VC,
ofx­QTK­itVideoGrab­ber, ofxYAML
– GUI: ofxUI, ofxXMLSettings