N 0 0 1

First issue of the N O R M A L S publication series.
10 Feb 2014
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See Also

10.00% Fic­tionette
33.75% Graph­ic nov­el
32.50% Essays and designs
23.75% Artsi­ness

Pages: 80
Weight: 255g
Size: 186 x 251 x 9.62mm
Col­ors: Black, White, Scar­letoid Red
Edi­tion of: 500
Pub­lished by: Self
Ori­gin: France
ISBN: 978–2‑9545994–0‑3

“You only went as far as your unex­er­cised body took you. It’s enough, any­way — you can almost see the entire city from here. The Cul­ture. A majes­tic tree of syn­thet­ic con­crete, ris­ing from the ground and up into the sky, tear­ing scarce clouds apart in its end­less ascent.”

N 0 0 1 is the first issue in N O R M A L S ' epony­mous pub­li­ca­tion series, cov­er­ing work and research done dur­ing the years 2012 — 2013. After open­ing with an ini­tia­to­ry joy ride through a future city, N 0 0 1 puts the read­er in front the first episode of a graph­ic nov­el, going from a morn­ing rit­u­al to a dia­tribe against the "anti-machine-state" con­spir­acists. The sec­ond part is an explo­ration on how tech­nolo­gies such as Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty could in fact turn a huge chunk of the man­u­fac­tured envi­ron­ment into dig­i­tal and con­tex­tu­al graph­ics, com­mon­ly known nowa­days as "AR." But also, how vari­able might become the new black.