N 0 0 2

Second issue of the N O R M A L S publication series.
10 Feb 2014
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See Also

53.75% Graph­ic nov­el
33.75% Fic­tionettes
12.50% Artsi­ness

Pages: 80
Weight: 255g
Size: 186 x 251 x 9.62mm
Col­ors: Black, White, Scar­letoid Red
Edi­tion of: 500
Pub­lished by: Self
Ori­gin: France
ISBN: 978–2‑9545994–1‑0

"She didn’t both­er giv­ing me a name, but at least she gave me an ‘i’."

N O R M A L 0 0 2, also known as the ‘fic­tion issue,’ comes with a sec­ond episode of the N O R M A L S graph­ic nov­el, in which you become acquaint­ed with a future cyn­ic who’s intro­spec­tive­ly run­ning after some painful child­hood mem­o­ries. A dis­turbed char­ac­ter if you ask us but N O R M A L S is an equal oppor­tu­ni­ty sto­ry­telling enter­prise. Once done with our illus­trat­ed cry­ba­by, the next pages are filled with very inti­mate short-sto­ries focus­ing on the doings, hap­pen­ings, and pre­oc­cu­pa­tions of var­i­ous "frenz" — which is how our future cit­i­zens refer to each oth­er — some of which you may rec­og­nize from pre­vi­ous page flippings.