N 0 0 3

Third issue of the N O R M A L S publication series.
10 Feb 2014
Seen in
See Also

46.25% Graph­ic nov­el
28.75% Essays and designs
25.00% Artsi­ness

Pages: 80
Weight: 255g
Size: 186 x 251 x 9.62mm
Col­ors: Black, White, Scar­letoid Red
Edi­tion of: 500
Pub­lished by: Self
Ori­gin: France
ISBN: 978–2‑9545994–2‑7

"Still on the mag. It’s total­ly jammed."

We jok­ing­ly refer to N O R M A L 0 0 3 as the "Michael Bay" issue. Pos­si­bly because the graph­ic nov­el episode in it would best be described with ono­matopoeia such as "doof," "doof," or even "doof," and per­haps a hint of "kaboom." To bal­ance out the explo­sive mood of this edi­tion, the sec­ond part focus­es on future col­lec­tive intel­li­gence, with a par­tic­u­lar atten­tion on the evo­lu­tion and cross­breed­ing of nat­ur­al lan­guages and machine dialects.