N O R M A L T Y P E v1.0

A custom application of variable and parametric typography
17 Jul 2012

N O R M A L T Y P E is an appli­ca­tion of para­met­ric typog­ra­phy. The type­face here has no deter­mined shape, only piv­ot points and a skele­ton. Far from being a typo­graph­ic design tool (as can be found else­where with excel­lent work being done on that front), it is in essence a tru­ly dig­i­tal­ly native font, with vari­abil­i­ty as its defin­ing feature.

This project is an ongo­ing one. The upcom­ing ver­sions will offer more pos­si­bil­i­ties for motion and text-editing.

N O R M A L T Y P E v1.0

Down­load for Win­dows
Down­load for Mac OS


Made with Processing