2033's Best Substitute Realities

A visual catalogue of speculative entertainment applications for head-worn display owners. Featured in HOLO magazine‘s first issue.
15 Apr 2014
HOLO Magazine
JUN 2013 — OCT 2013

A visu­al cat­a­logue of spec­u­la­tive enter­tain­ment appli­ca­tions for head-worn dis­play own­ers. Fea­tured in HOLO mag­a­zine‘s first issue.

With Aug­ment­ed Real­i­ty paving the way to some seri­ous intru­sion of the dig­i­tal into irl-space, it also opens to new ques­tions on the dis­em­bod­i­ment of visu­al rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Though AR car­ries the idea of adding pos­si­bil­i­ties to real­i­ty, hence "aug­ment­ing" it, Sub­sti­tute Real­i­ties take things a step fur­ther by offer­ing a trans­la­tion of fan­ta­sized sit­u­a­tions into dai­ly life. It is a degen­er­ate mix­ture of today‘s forms of spec­ta­cle putting per­son­al fan­tasies in the spot­light, and mak­ing immer­sive and inter­ac­tive sce­nar­ios seam­less­ly blend into their user's phys­i­cal envi­ron­ment. Sub­sti­tute Real­i­ties aren’t life­like, or real­is­tic. Rather, they are accept­able ren­der­ings of one’s inac­ces­si­ble dreams, fetish­es, and absurd needs such as arti­fi­cial fam­i­ly mem­bers, self-stag­ing, roman­tic sim­u­la­tion, moral train­ing, edu­ca­tion­al real­i­ty shifts, sex­u­al sub­li­ma­tion, or just plain algo­rith­mic psychedelia.

01 — Lag Lagoon Sun­set: Infin­i­ty 36.25 Likes /​ hour
Turn that hus­tle and bus­tle into a sooth­ing slo-mo envi­ron­men­tal dupli­cate topped with the most cel­e­brat­ed relax­ation sym­bol­ics.
zen – escapism – psychedelia
03 — ########## 42.90 Likes /​ hour
The fastest flesh-detec­tion algo­rithms. Will pre­serve your child's inno­cence and cov­er those ugly faces you see every­where.
self-preservation – purity – fashion
05 — Char­i­ty Sim­u­la­tor Goth­ic Pay as you [Like]
Pover­ty with fangs has spread on your streets. Care to help? Com­pare your Kar­ma-points with friends!
karma-boost – reverse-treasure-hunt
07 — Aug­ment­ed Respon­si­bil­i­ty Check 22.85 Likes /​ hour
Will you make that cof­fee know­ing it means dec­i­mat­ing inno­cent peo­ples? Now with 'De-Oil­er' and 'Re-for­est' alerts.
conscience – green – blue – yellow – well-being
09 — The Frac­tal Stage 44.55 Likes /​ hour
A trip in a trip in a trip in a trip in a trip… Warn­ing: use in a safe and iso­lat­ed envi­ron­ment.

mandelirium – psychedelia – displacement
11 — Cap­il­lar­ia 29.15 Likes /​ hour
Trou­bles you will brush away. Laws of physics you shall tran­scend. At peace your mind will be.
zen – relaxation – art
13 — Max­i­mum Eye-Swap Ran­dom­iz­er 110.00 Likes /​ hour
Shared vision repack­aged – what they see is what you get. You nev­er know what’s next, or WHEN is next!
improv – self-pranking – generative
15 — La Mangez-vous Galant 145.60 Likes /​ hour
What's more roman­tic than devour­ing your loved one(s)? A per­fect pick for a mem­o­rable first date.
displacement – romance – gourmay – foodskin
02 — 99 Agents 99.99 Likes /​ hour
Cold-blood­ed elite killers are com­ing for you! Try to find out why as you run for your life!!!

action – thriller – mystery – persecution – fitness
04 — Tiger Nin­ja Samu­rai Jedi feat. RanDam$el 109.00 Likes /​ hour
Walk-sync­ing, fan-map­ping, breasts-scal­ing, pro­file-sourc­ing.
Star­ring YOU!
music – escort – self-celebration
06 — Cap­i­tal Crush­es – Kai­juu Mod 50.75 Likes /​ hour
Step on 12 of the world’s cap­i­tals. Now with eye beams and mil­i­tary rein­force­ments.

crush-’em-all – carpet – travel
08 — R.I.D. – Rest in Dreams 14.95 Likes /​ hour
Offer your dear­est ones a chance to turn the after­life into their wildest dream. It’s nev­er too late.
performance – lastwish – decotips
10 — Desir­abil­i­ty I/​O 132.75 Likes /​ hour
Desir­abil­i­ty is what oth­ers want to see in you. Cus­tomize this open com­pan­ion with up to 50 pro­file feeds and let it com­mand you.
romance – persecution – fitness – organizational
12 — Extro­spec­tre II: Anoth­er You 66.99 Likes /​ hour
Fea­tur­ing: “AlwaysFromThe­Back”, “Day­Be­for­eReen­act­ment”, “Sym­me­try” and “Siame­seTwin” mods
psychedelia – displacement
14 — Lit­ter­alia 78.30 Likes /​ hour
READING GOOD 4 YOU. Don't let go of your abil­i­ty to read with­out hurt­ing a sin­gle tree.
educational – displacement – generative – txtmod