L I T T L E B R O W S E R is an experimental web browser and 3D game engine hybrid. Fed with a single home url, an autonomous crawler navigates web pages of which main elements have been translated into game objects — links become gates, divs are clouds, images turns to trees…
In a game that plays itself, your player-character travels from one url to another. Every visited page generates a new floating island populated by gateways to every available link.

This digital artwork has been designed exclusively for FRAMED, and released as a limited edition of 200.
Check the FRAMED page for more information on how to get a copy.

L I T T L E B R O W S E R is based on a prior experiment. More on this project can be found in the following post

If it ever lands on a corrupted url, or a dead link, the game will be over and an overview of visited domains will appear temporarily before starting a new trip from the home page.