Future Fishing Workshop — Envisioning, Designing, & Telling Futures

Sign up for an online workshop with the Future Fishing Training Program
19 Jul 2024

December 6 + 13 + 20, 2024
→ Online

+ 3 x 3h group sessions 
+ 1 x individual session 

Register Now

To be strate­gic with­in the present we have to imag­ine the future. And to imag­ine the future in a way that is com­pelling, plau­si­ble, thought-pro­vok­ing, or put sim­ply: use­ful, we have to design it. This is the gist of 'design fic­tion': a heav­i­ly cre­ative and dis­cur­sive approach where we use the future as a mir­ror to ques­tion com­mon myths, act out emerg­ing social and tech­no­log­i­cal phe­nom­e­na, and reveal the desir­able or adverse effects of change. We achieve this by design­ing spec­u­la­tive prod­ucts, sto­ries, or immer­sive expe­ri­ences that make visions of the future vivid, engag­ing, and easy to com­mu­ni­cate both inter­nal­ly and to the public.

The Future Fish­ing Work­shop is a noob-friend­ly pro­gram meant for any­one inter­est­ed in our unortho­dox approach to envi­sion­ing futures. Through­out three ses­sions, you will be intro­duced to the meth­ods we use, the prin­ci­ples we cher­ish, and test these in guid­ed exer­cis­es. Our goal is to make you at least gain a degree of futures lit­er­a­cy or turn you into an unstop­pable force of future envisioning.

The Future Fishing Workshop will get you acquainted with

— scanning: to better look around for signs of change
— narrative design: to creatively conjugate signs into stories
— envisioning: to make your ideas of the future believable and relevant
— all with a set of methods we've derived from strategic foresight, scriptwriting, game design, and product design

The Future Fishing Workshop can be valuable for

— creating a strategic vision for the long-term
— decoupling your vision from trending topics in tech
— revealing hidden paths for social and technological innovation
— communicating your vision in engaging ways

Practical Info

The next session of the Future Fishing Training Program will take place online, in 3 x 3h sessions once a week in December 2024. The program offers a combination of theoretical learning, individual work, and group work. In addition, each participant gets a personal consultation with one of the trainers.

December 6

16:00 to 19:00 CET

Scanning & Extrapolating

December 13

16:00 to 19:00 CET

Building Narratives

December 20

16:00 to 19:00 CET

Envisioning Futures

January to February

at your convenience

1‑on‑1 Sessions

Participation Fees (Per Person)


€ 900 + VAT (if applicable)


€ 600 + VAT (if applicable)


€ 300 + VAT (if applicable)

There is a minimum sign-up of 6 participants for the training to take place, with a maximum of 18. In case of full attendance, further applicants will be added to the waiting list. No payment will be requested until their participation has been confirmed.

Sign up to the workshop by using the form below. We will e‑mail you payment details and information for joining the workshop:

    select your ticket

    Larger teams can be accommodated upon request, please write us through our contact form to arrange a custom format that fits your needs.

    Questions? Feel free to reach out to us!