Mangel — Angel Diet Food Printer

Speculative food dispenser with autonomous mobility. Background object in N 0 0 2
25 Jun 2015
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The world depict­ed in N123 is one of extremes. A place of abun­dance where, judg­ing from a dis­tance, it would seem like the only hur­dles left to over­come are those man­u­fac­tured by exu­ber­ant indi­vid­u­als des­per­ate for some sort of thrill. Except for the one, most defin­ing predica­ment that is death, and the fear of it. And so in this plas­tic-per­fect soci­ety, peo­ple come up with all sorts of diet­ing anti-aging anti-death fads.

The food print­er pre­sent­ed here is the prod­uct of one of these fads known as the "angel diet," which con­sists of eat­ing tiny por­tions alter­nat­ing between basic nutri­ents, pro­bi­otics, regen­er­a­tive serums, and care­ful­ly dosed addic­tive sub­stances. And as with any solu­tion-ori­ent­ed device, this one is ful­ly mobile and autonomous­ly so, mak­ing up for one's lack of dis­ci­pline by being near, con­stant­ly, keep their user's degen­er­a­tion in check.