A four screen installation showcasing original futures of zero-emissions racing
Category: New Mobilities
Mobility means getting from A to B. If a description is always as simple as possible but no simpler, then this one is far too simple. Mobility is how we access the world; it shapes cities and landscapes and separates us from each other. X (person, thing) gets from A to B via C with the resources of D, financed by E, uses the infrastructure E, is driven by F, in the style of G, sometimes collides with H, with I brand tires — the alphabet is not enough to cover all aspects of mobility. How we envision it reflects our relationship to the world; how we enable it creates our world. Imagining new mobilities is perhaps one of the hardest things to do. Marshall McLuhan, referring to the invention of the engine and the first automobiles, spoke of the "horseless carriage" — because once technically feasible, it was long before automobiles ceased to be reminiscent of their predecessors and became recognizable as something of their own. Despite new technologies, we always tend to serve outdated paradigms. With our work on new mobilities, we want to reveal these oddities and, at the same time, introduce new possibilities and relationships with mobility.
Moving Parts
A visual thought experiment about just-in-time-mobility.