Moving Parts

A visu­al thought exper­i­ment about just-in-time-mobility.

The Price of Appreciation

Inves­tiga­tive-style fic­tion look­ing at the evo­lu­tion of 'Likes' into dig­i­tal currencies

N 1 2 3

A set of 3 pub­li­ca­tions revis­it­ing the work of N O R M A L S dur­ing the years 2012 — 2013, all nar­ra­tive­ly bound by a graph­ic novel

N 0 0 2

Sec­ond issue of the N O R M A L S pub­li­ca­tion series.

N 0 0 1

First issue of the N O R M A L S pub­li­ca­tion series.

N 0 0 3

Third issue of the N O R M A L S pub­li­ca­tion series.

The Culture, A World-City

A fic­tion­al city and set­ting to the 'Nor­mal Future.' Also used as a sand­box for var­i­ous projects and collaborations.